Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's going on here?

I'm boycotting Target. Reason? Their support of a candidate who is rabidly anti-gay. See Target's $150,000 Donation To Fund Anti-Gay Politics

But see, a lot of my shopping is done at Target. Most of my toiletries, soda, snacks, household cleaning products, and a good chuck of the kids clothes are bought there.

I won't be going there any longer, so... where to now, for the best prices, and no, I don't shop at WalMart either.

The purpose of this blog? Just helping each other out. Where to go, either online or in the "real" world to get this, that, or something else.

Because my 9 year old son? Lives in Target (girl) leggings, and I'm not seeing any other place to get them. Kohl's doesn't have 'em. He's too big for Osh Kosh and the like, and damned if I'll pay $18 for Hanna Anderssons that will have holes in the knees after the first or second soccer match of the school year.

So yeah. Holler if you want to contribute, have a question to ask, whatever.

If not at Target, where can I get...


  1. I have found things at the Dollar General store, such as cleaning supplies, plastic bins, etc.

  2. Can you find the Circo leggings on ebay? Stick it to the man while saving the planet through recycling, etc? :)
